Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Threat of the Squirrel

Someone once told me to be careful about writing blogs because it's too much of a window into your mind and your thought processes...a squirrel may get in. While I never fully understood what he meant, I was sure it was a warning. However, I have decided to not heed this warning and let you know that I have decided to start dating again. Yes, Miss Cynicism has decided that it's time. What brought about this new change of heart? Well, yesterday, I had an overwhelming feeling of annoyance that other people existed. Even I could tell that this was not a good sign-it's not healthy to find other people's existence reprehensible.

Therefore, what better way to learn socialization skills than dating? I find it to be the most challenging form of human interaction and I figured that through such toil, I would find comfort and solace in my less stressful, lower maintenance relationships and interactions. Hell, I might even learn to not mind that the woman ahead of me on line is having an inane conversation with her three year old.

Now, (and you may be shocked by this), but the opposite sex isn't exactly knocking my door down with invitations to dinners and movies. First step - find a date. I have already emailed two "prospects" via the Sex and Dating section of Timeout New York. But, I also ask you, do you know anybody? Feel free to set me up. I prefer, tall, thin, artsy types who have a penchant for good film and good food. Think of it this way - it's comedic fodder for you. I embarrass myself, and you have a grand time reading about it the next day.

In order to maintain accountability, I will keep you posted on my dating exploits and the definite chaos that will ensue. Also, I hope that you can help me - I don't believe there is an action I am more inept at than dating (well, maybe skateboarding). Therefore, once I provide full accounts of these dates, you can let me know what I did well, and what I did incorrectly, although I'm sure the list for the latter will be much longer.

Who knows what will happen? I am secretly hoping that this additional foray into dating will provide me with some more cynicism. After all, what good will I be to you if I meet someone I like/can talk with/genuinely enjoy spending time with? I'll answer for you - I will be no good at all. Let the games begin!


  1. wow, what did you go? a whole month there? way to hold back and find yourself. :p

  2. It's purely for comedic purposes. I don't think any man alive is remarkable enough to make me lose myself. I've met plenty.
