Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Scariest Night of Your Life

There is something to be said for the excitement that comes along with a first date. For me, it's like the trepidation/nervousness I feel right before a really intense fitness class. Your adrenaline and endorphins begin to pump as you prepare yourself for what is to come - an intense (and if you're lucky) sweaty experience. Even a cynic like me worries about the "first outfit". That first impression that you make on the individual that you could wind up dating on a regular basis is a crucial choice. I have even gone so far as to Google "what to wear on a first date" so that I am not a victim of any long-standing faux pas. Yeah, there's that other, more hopeful side of me rearing its ugly head. I have noticed, (just as an aside), that it is also the hopeful part of my personality that makes me do really ridiculous things. Coincidence? I think not. Just another reason to be cynical if you ask me.

Back to dating - I suppose dating is a muscle that, regardless of your aversion to it, needs to exercised every now and again. It's good to practice your interview skills (after all, we are in a recession) and what better way to do that than with drinks or a nice meal? Hell, even a good latte will make any uncomfortable social situation bearable. Also, I feel that once you've gone on an insanely bad date, no other social awkwardness can affect you. Just to be a little anectdotal - once you've had someone see you and say, "ugh, I hate this shit", nothing phases you.

Once you begin the date, (or at least, once I do) I make a game out of it. I challenge myself to avoid platitudes, to ask interesting questions, and to not fidget. Supposedly, fidgeting draws attention to insecurity, and who wants that? I also tend to make a conscious effort to be 'flirty' and 'fun'. What the hell that means I have no idea...I usually think about what I would do normally, and then I do the exact opposite. Also, when I say avoid platitudes, I mean I don't tell the person that I'm "adventurous", "up for anything", "passionate about what I do", or "laid back" (have you read my blog?). In the age of online dating, all of the above (along with countless others) are used so often that they don't make you sound interesting. In fact, you're a walking cliche.

I suppose another facet of dating (at least for a heterosexual woman) that also elicits excitement is the thrill of male attention. I hate to admit that, but I believe it's true. No matter how much self-confidence one has, there isa rush that comes from the realization that another individual recognizes and values those same characteristics that you appreciate about yourself. At least for me, this is one of the main draws of dating. Granted, I tend to be an insecure, neurotic individual so this part of dating that I so unabashedly seek out may be more pronounced for me. But, whatever.

And, to maintain the trend of self-analysis, I apologize for the 3rd paragraph - it sounds like a dating tutorial. I am the last fucking person who should be giving dating advice. I am way too angry and bitter to tell others how to approach an interaction that to me, will most likely end badly (maybe not the first, second, or even the third time...but eventually, shit will go down). Also, my 'method' in and of itself is ridiculous - regardless of the prospect's viability, I think deep down I prefer the aforementioned ungettable get - the impossible catch can't hurt me because there was never the possibility of anything to begin with...See? Sick. I know.

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